Nature gives us just what we need throughout the seasons. We are moving through Kapha season which runs from late winter through spring when it’s cold, wet and muddy, all the cold wet earthy qualities of kapha. The pungent quality of wild garlic is just what we need to clear out any excess kapha in our system – symptoms of excess kapha dosha include heaviness so putting on weight you can’t easily shift, feeling flat, lethargic, unmotivated and depressed; excess mucus, catching colds and throat infections; stagnant lymph, and no energy. If you are feeling these symptoms including the pungent quality into your diet along with other kapha pacifying life choices will definitely help. Kapha types need more, pitta and vata types less.

Nature gives us just what we need throughout the seasons. We are moving through Kapha season which runs from late winter through spring when it’s cold, wet and muddy, all the cold wet earthy qualities of kapha. The pungent quality of wild garlic is just what we need to clear out any excess kapha in our system – symptoms of excess kapha dosha include heaviness so putting on weight you can’t easily shift, feeling flat, lethargic, unmotivated and depressed; excess mucus, catching colds and throat infections; stagnant lymph, and no energy. If you are feeling these symptoms including the pungent quality into your diet along with other kapha pacifying life choices will definitely help. Kapha types need more, pitta and vata types less.


1 cup wild garlic

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or pine nuts

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Zest of 1 lemon and juice to your taste

Rock salt to your taste

Black pepper to your taste


Blitz the seeds in a food processor then add everything else and blitz again. Or pummel with a pestle & mortar – start with the seeds, add the wild garlic, then the oil, then the cheese, then the lemon and seasonings—great to do with kids.

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